Elections New Brunswick

This page displays maps for the electoral districts that will come into effect upon the call of the next provincial general election.

Maps for the current electoral districts can be viewed by clicking on Provincial Electoral Districts- 2020

Elections NB does not supply printed copies of electoral boundary maps – provincial or local government – on request.  Printable PDF versions of the maps are available on this website to download. The files can be taken to a printing company with the capacity to print large scale formats of maps. Thank you.

Under the Electoral Boundaries and Representation Act, the legal descriptions and names for each electoral district are set out in regulation.

The files for the maps of each electoral district are large for the benefit of those who wish to download the maps for printing.


Disclaimer: Electronic versions of documents published by Elections NB are unofficial versions and are provided for convenience of reference only. Every effort is made to ensure that they contain the same information as the printed documents, but due to changes in formatting or other procedures they may not in all cases be entirely consistent with the published, printed, version. In case of any inconsistency between the published paper version and the version on this website, the published paper version will be considered correct.